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"I believe our greatest value is in how much we make a difference in others' lives."

Since 1985, I have been volunteering my time and efforts to nonprofit and humanitarian causes as a way of life, supporting human rights, social betterment, and self-improvement through the education of schools, governments, professionals, and society at large.


My efforts have ranged from leading the production, translation, and distribution of millions of pages of human rights, drug, social reform, and self-betterment materials, as well as the production of thousands of hours of related video, film, and broadcast programs. These efforts have been part of national and global initiatives on civil and government reform and human rights, including dozens of hands-on projects, working with thousands of others over decades who share similar beliefs. 


I currently focus my efforts through the World for Human Rights foundation that I formed, predicated on the tenets of justice and human rights for everyone. Activities today relate to education in schools and businesses on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and business education in the state of Florida on human trafficking. â€‹


A brief highlight can be found below, but feel free to visit my site for the latest projects and you are welcome to donate or join in these same efforts with the organizations that my foundation supports. 

Recent History

We're all here upon Earth with the same instinct and innate will to survive.  


However, it is unfortunate that a small percent of our species seek to manipulate and control the greater masses for their benefit. And while most of that minority does so by economic means, an even lesser and more deplorable minority does so through force, at times even convincing others to participate in their hideous acts. 


That destructive control has manifested itself through violence, abuse, torture, and genocide throughout time. History books are strewn with stories, and our planet is littered with landmarks from the wake of those driven by such nefarious aims.


We hope to mark a new trail and help navigate an enlightened path upward for all of humanity to live in a fair, just, and safe world.  One that is aware that all our lives depend on the well-being of our fellow man and to respect the truth that we are of the same species and we are all created equal under the eyes of any God. 


From 1946 to 1953, Eleanor Roosevelt served as a U.S. delegate to the United Nations. She oversaw the drafting and passage of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, arguably one of the most critical documents supporting human rights in our time.


This document serves as a model for how people and nations should treat one another and is considered one of her most significant lifetime achievements. From 1961 until her death the following year, she also headed the first Presidential Commission on the Status of Women, at the request of President John Kennedy, and also served on the board of numerous organizations, including the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and the Advisory Council for the Peace Corps.


My World for Human Rights foundation upholds the mission of respecting human rights and seeking societal change through education, enlightenment, and empowerment. 

Contact, Donate or Join Today

Become a Basic, Contributing or Corporate Member, or Corporate Sponsor.  You can also enroll in a monthly pledge to support Human Rights projects and programs or directly donate. You can immediately start helping the international cause of human rights so take action now!

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